Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Word of Encouragement: To: Believers in Christ 3-26-09

Leaving "Egypt"

God is holding back the waters of The Red Sea as we pass from the old into the new, through the Sea, on dry ground. As the Isrealites passed out of Egypt, out of the land of bondage, and began on the road to the promise land, into the land of freedom, God made the way for them. Exodus 14, when the Egyptians pursued the children of Israel into the Sea, God destroyed the Egyptians completely. They were crushed by the waters that Moses released upon them. God is again holding back the waters of the Red Sea for believers to pass out from the old, from bondage of the past, and cross over to the new, to the promise land that He has prepared for us. As we cross over on dry land, without trouble, we will step into the new, the land of blessings and freedom in Christ, that God has prepared for us. Our enemies that have been pursuing us, beating us down, and oppressing us in bondage, will be crushed under out feet as they attempt to pursue and overtake us. They will be utterly destroyed as were the Egyptians. If He held back the waters for the children of Israel to gain their freedom, how much more will He do so for His believers who are in Christ?? Press forward into the new place or thing that God has called you to! Step out of bondage and into His promise land of freedom!!